Saturday, March 28, 2009

Earth Hour + Car accident

Well, here's my post. Earth Hour has just passed and me being such a responsible human being, of course I took part in it. Was in darkness from 8.30 to 9.30 pm. However, a lot of the other people did not take part. I could see there were a lot of people did not turn off their lights in Block A and B.

Not much to say, actually. Just read the newspaper and saw another article about car accident. There was another car accident but this time it's in Malacca and all four of them had died. All were students and it was another night outing. Reminds me of another similar accident happened earlier this month.

So to those who can drive and do drive regularly, please be careful! Don't drive when you're sleepy or drunk or even late at night. Wouldn't like another friend to be involved in a car accident. So be very very careful and take good care of yourself!


  1. ya loh!
    many ppl no switch off the light d..
    no as dark as i tot b4..
    in midnight even darker loh!
    btw, be careful when u r driving oso..
    take k!

  2. in future u ll drive d license ady..

  3. aiyo... initial D oso drift during nite. XDD

  4. kk..dun watch too much movie!

  5. ya lor... kk... watch too much movie not good de...
