Today our class(AFA13) is just 2 hours class, so yesterday we had decided to discuss taxation assignment after today class, so we gather at R block after taxation class, and I was wait for taxation group members, I thought we will going to library for discussion, but ah mou suddenly said want to go JJ for lunch, I was think that:"har?why go so far?" but since I see other people no objection with that, so I think that it is fine, we can discuss at JJ after lunch, and I didnt think too much on it.
So, "someone bbf" fetch us(Chia woon, ying may, mei zhen, kah mun, yee hong, kah leong, ah mou and me) go JJ and we taken our lunch at KFC(almost all people eat spaghetti, all want try new thing, lolzz) so after finish our lunch, then we just chit chat there lo (because our Q girl is there ma=p), then dunno when, Q girl and ying may disappear(I didnt realise that,swt...) and then I saw kah leong them look at somewhere else, then I follow their direction to "ger po"lo, then I saw Q girl and ying mei were there, and ying may is taking a yummy mocca cake with few candles and then the birthday song began....T.T
THANKS!!thanks for the celebration, I am touching, it is really a surprise~~^^
thanks my friends~~~my paper is not blank, thanks for making my paper colourful xDDD
The picture is the birthday present I receive in year 2009 from group 5 kaki,really thanks,
I needed a bag recently,because my bag was spoil by my little money,=p(thanks kah mun =x)
and the little cow also look cute~~just like someone named cow~~xDD
I will "cherry" it~~~
(forgive me for the poor english=p)
**Gourp 5 rock**